Make Sure Hunger Isn’t Holding Anyone Back in the Classroom


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At Greater Lansing Food Bank (GLFB), we know food insecurity has the potential to harm college students’ ability to achieve their educational and professional goals. Overall, the number of college students with low household incomes has increased. When this is combined with the rising cost of education, many adult students are struggling to make ends meet.

According to a 2018 Government Accountability Office report, most college students (71%) are “nontraditional,” meaning that they don’t enroll full-time in college directly after high school while remaining financially dependent on their parents. Many of these students are enrolled part-time, work full-time while in school and/or are caretakers for dependents, with 22% of students caring for child dependents and 14% doing so as single parents.
To combat hunger on college campuses, GLFB partners with student pantries at Michigan State University, Olivet College, Central Michigan University and Mid-Michigan Community College. Together, these pantries serve more than 7,000 students each year and distribute upwards of 170,000 pounds of food along with personal items, school supplies and cooking utensils.
In addition to pantries on college campuses, GLFB stocks pantries at churches and community organizations surrounding local universities, provides mobile pantries that distribute near campuses, and educates students on SNAP benefits and how to apply.

Join us in supporting our local college students and take hunger off the table as they pursue their educational goals.

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