Letter Carriers, Community Come Together for Year’s Largest Food Drive


May 12, 2017

Justin Rumenapp
Office: 517.853.7818

Letter Carriers, Community Come Together for Year’s Largest Food Drive

Letter carriers will be collecting non-perishable food for Mid-Michigan families on Saturday May 13, 2017. This is the region’s largest food drive of the year, and food will be donated to Greater Lansing Food Bank for distribution to families in need. Lansing residents can leave boxed or canned goods by their mailboxes, and letter carriers will collect the food as they deliver the Saturday’s mail. A major recipient of the donations will be children on summer break, making this a critical time for food donations.

WHEN: Letter carriers will collect non-perishable food donations during regular mail delivery Saturday May 13, 2017; Media opportunities throughout Morning and Midday starting at 9am through 1pm.

WHERE: Best location to collect visuals of sorting –
285 Express Ct.
Lansing, MI 48910

WHY: 1-in-7 Mid-Michigan residents are struggling with food insecurity; Spring is a critical time for food donations since many children will lose access to school meals during the summer months; Viewers and readers are likely to be participating in the food drive as either donors or recipients.

WHO: Potential to interview letter carriers, food bank personnel and volunteers on the importance of the food drive. Visual opportunities include volunteers sorting canned goods, letter carriers dropping off collected non-perishable goods and etc.


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