

As we make our way through summer, I can’t help but reflect on the generosity of the Greater Lansing community. One of the great joys I get from working at Greater Lansing Food Bank is hearing about the hope and help we offer to those struggling with food insecurity. This hope is only given thanks to your support.

The examples of your support are endless. In May, we held the most successful Empty Plate Strolling Dinner and Auction in GLFB history. It was a phenomenal gathering of sponsors, donors and guests to support those struggling at risk for going hungry. We raised more than $500,000 to help those in need. It’s a record breaking amount that surpassed any and all expectations. I am still amazed at this level of community support.

Around the same time, GLFB was the recipient of the US Postal Service’s (NALC) Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. Postal carriers spent the better part of a blustery Saturday gathering bags and boxes of dry good contributions from donors all over Mid-Michigan. There are hundreds of other examples throughout the year. Workplaces have put donation cans at their front desk to collect change. Doctors’ offices have placed food donation boxes in their lobbies. And you might recall our holiday envelope campaign, which featured young students who collected change to help their friends in need.

Think about it – every single can we get will help someone in our community. Every single box of food that you donate will wind up on the shelf of someone in need. Every single dollar receive we get will make a difference. That’s a lot of care given by community members like you.

The reality is, we couldn’t do it without you. It’s a tremendous honor and responsibility you give us when you choose to support the GLFB. I hope you’ll take a look at our Report to the Community to learn more about the impact GLFB makes on the community thanks to your support.

Thank you for caring.


PDF version of the Report to the Community.