Campus Grows est un jardin universitaire de l'Université centrale du Michigan qui propose des parcelles individuelles aux membres du campus et de la communauté, ainsi qu'une section de dons entretenue par des bénévoles qui recueille des produits pour le CMU Student Food Pantry (centre d'alimentation des étudiants de l'Université centrale du Michigan). Le jardin est géré par un groupe d'étudiants qui organise des événements éducatifs et de jardinage bénévole tout au long de la saison. Après 5
Lancé en 2014, ce jardin propose jusqu'à 10 parcelles à louer. Les bénévoles sont les bienvenus ! Rejoignez la page du groupe Facebook à l'adresse
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The mission of the garden is to help meet the basic needs of library patrons and the community at large. In meeting those needs we strive to promote reading, lifelong learning and library use. Excess produce will also be donated to the Stone Soup Project. Our goals include increasing access to fresh produce, teaching self-sufficiency
Établi en 2010, des parcelles sont disponibles pour cultiver votre propre nourriture. Les parcelles du jardin communautaire Wardcliff mesurent environ 6 x 20 pieds et sont labourées chaque printemps (c'est pourquoi il n'y a pas de plantes vivaces), et les parcelles sont assignées. Nous disposons d'une grande cabane à outils avec des tuyaux et des outils. Le jardin est protégé des chevreuils par un mur de 8 pieds de haut
Established in 2010, the Union Street Center Community Garden features 13 grow-your-own plots behind the Union St. Center. New gardeners are always welcome! The season begins in early April. The garden offers a tall (locked) fence to provide deer security, a shed for storage and water access. Plots are roughly 325 square feet. The annual
Plots available to the general public. Towar Garden was established in 1983 to help East Lansing residents with low to moderate income gain access to fresh fruits and vegetables through gardening opportunities. Currently, only limited garden space will be available. A hand pump provides consistent water access. Gardeners come together in spring to help measure
Established in 1995, plots are used by church members and their families to grow their own food.
This is a great location for southside residents or anyone looking to grow their own food in a fun, supportive environment. This garden has potential space for some “larger plots.” So come grow with us and be a part of the “green jewel in the midst of the concrete jungle”! Follow them on Facebook and
Established in 2010, this garden’s mission is to provide a sunny and safe space for Moores Park area residents to share the experience of gardening as a community. Land use is provided by St. Casimir Church; a former gravel lot has been transformed into a vibrant and beautiful garden, growing more each year.
Établis en 2010, les lits surélevés vous permettent de cultiver votre propre nourriture.
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Plots available to the general public. Established in 2009, Slater Park Garden provides an opportunity for individuals and families to grow their own healthy food and cultivate connections with their community. This garden sits on Lansing Township property.
Residents of Rainbow Homes work together to grow food for their fellow residents and for use in their daily community dinners.