
Olivet Baptist Church Garden

The Karen Baptist Church established this garden for refugees from Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). The Karen are dedicated gardeners who grow their native vegetables, spicy peppers and herbs, and some American ones too. More

Jardin de l'église presbytérienne d'Eastminster

The garden is an outreach project started in 2014 by Eastminster Presbyterian Church in East Lansing. The church building sits on a large piece of property situated near some apartment buildings. The garden has a nearby water source and an adjacent parking area. There are no fees for the plots or the water, they rely More

Campus Grows at CMU

dark soil of early spring with gardeners working in the background
Campus Grows is a campus garden for Central Michigan University featuring individual plots available to campus and community members as well as a volunteer-maintained donation section which raises produce for the CMU Student Food Pantry. The garden is managed by a student group that hosts educational and volunteer gardening events throughout the season. After 5 More

Jardin communautaire de Bath

People working in fenced garden; shed off to the right.
Started in 2014, this garden offers up to 10 plots for lease. Volunteers welcome! Join the Facebook group page at More

Harrison Co. Jardin de lecture et d'alimentation

La mission du jardin est d'aider à répondre aux besoins fondamentaux des usagers de la bibliothèque et de la communauté en général. En répondant à ces besoins, nous nous efforçons de promouvoir la lecture, l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie et l'utilisation de la bibliothèque. Les produits excédentaires seront également donnés au Stone Soup Project. Nos objectifs comprennent l'amélioration de l'accès aux produits frais, l'enseignement de l'autosuffisance .

Jardin communautaire de Wardcliff

Établi en 2010, des parcelles sont disponibles pour cultiver votre propre nourriture. Les parcelles du jardin communautaire de Wardcliff mesurent environ 6 x 20 pieds et sont labourées chaque printemps (d'où l'absence de plantes vivaces), et les parcelles sont attribuées. Nous avons une grande cabane à outils avec des tuyaux et des outils. Le jardin est protégé des cerfs avec un 8 pieds de haut More

Jardin de la rue de l'Union

Established in 2010, the Union Street Center Community Garden features 13 grow-your-own plots behind the Union St. Center. New gardeners are always welcome! The season begins in early April. The garden offers a tall (locked) fence to provide deer security, a shed for storage and water access. Plots are roughly 325 square feet. The annual More

Towar Community Garden

Plots available to the general public. Towar Garden was established in 1983 to help East Lansing residents with low to moderate income gain access to fresh fruits and vegetables through gardening opportunities. Currently, only limited garden space will be available. A hand pump provides consistent water access. Gardeners come together in spring to help measure More

Jardin de Summer Place

Established in 2009, Summer Place garden provides growing space for many New US American residents who want to grow culturally important crops. More