26th Annual Empty Bowls Event!

Join Greater Lansing Food Bank for the 26th Annual Empty Bowls! Stop by Troppo, located at 111 E Michigan Ave in downtown Lansing, for lunch (11:00am-1:30pm) on Tuesday, October 11th.

تبرع بقيمة 20 دولار يحصل لك وعاء مصنوع يدويا من قبل أعضاء نقابة لانسينغ بوتر الكبرى والفخار Clayworks، بالإضافة إلى وجبة خفيفة من الحساء والخبز والماء.

Thank you to Troppo and AT&T Michigan for generously sponsoring this year’s event!


For more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1250861888280044/