
地点: 密歇根州兰辛市马歇尔街 501 号 邮编:48912
公共花园 自种花园

Established in 2005, Armory is a large, very popular garden with easy access to plots and water on Lansing’s eastside. On the property, there is a shade palapa, a native plant bed and a tool shed with a seed-starting annex.

Armory Garden is a public, NO-TRACTOR TILL garden, where individuals register for plots and are responsible to plant, water, weed and harvest their produce.

  • Number of plots: 58, each approximately 20' x 20'  (Twenty percent of the plots at Armory Garden are prone to flooding. Establishing large, mounded beds in those plots is encouraged.)
  • 如何参与

    注册从 3 月 1 日开始。老园丁必须在 4 月 1 日前注册,以保留相同的地块。在此注册

  • Location: 501 Marshall St., Lansing, MI 48912