
Let’s Grow Together Community Garden

Several wooden raised bed gardens in fenced area
This Ingham County Land Bank garden, established in 2020, is dedicated to bringing the community together in love for one another, young and old. There are six raised bed gardens for individual use plus space for growing food to donate to those in need. More

Gratiot County Community Garden

garden plots with people working; beautiful sunny day.
This garden contains a donation area as well as grow-your-own plots. The 16 plots located at the south end of the garden are reserved for donation and the produce grown there is available for all community members to enjoy. The 22 northern plots are reserved for individual use (“grow your own”). If you would like More


成立于2021年,他们的愿景是创建一个公共花园,提供一个美观、温馨的环境,以鼓励社区的理解和沟通,增加社区的健康和福祉,并为个人冥想以及各年龄段的园丁和游客提供一个无障碍的地点,共同工作,分享共同的兴趣。 更多


东兰辛威洛斯的花园让居民和工作人员参与到充实的户外活动中,从播种、种植开始,一直到收获。 我们鼓励志愿者在每个季节帮助种植、除草、收获和清理。了解更多关于东兰辛的柳树的信息,请访问他们的网站和Facebook页面。更多






This garden supports the educational goals of Maple Valley Public Schools and their SNAP-Ed program. Students work in the 20 bed garden during their after-school club, growing fresh produce for themselves and those in need. The garden also serves as a space for the community to come together to celebrate its accomplishments, bringing individuals together through More

Hill Community Garden

Plots available to the general public. A beautiful, large garden space located next door to the Schmidt Community Center. This diverse and productive garden was developed by members of the local refugee community. Garden Project appreciates the partnership with the South Lansing Community Development Association, Sodexo Magic and the Lansing School District to support this More




The garden is an outreach project started in 2014 by Eastminster Presbyterian Church in East Lansing. The church building sits on a large piece of property situated near some apartment buildings. The garden has a nearby water source and an adjacent parking area. There are no fees for the plots or the water, they rely More