2016 年 8 月 29 日
LANSING, Mich. – Whole Foods Market East Lansing donated $907.70 to Greater Lansing Food Bank (GLFB) as part of their “One Dime at a Time” campaign. After opening earlier this year, Whole Foods Market East Lansing offered customers who use reusable grocery bags the option to receive a dime back as a refund or donate it to GLFB.
“This was a great way for Whole Foods Market to introduce themselves to the area,” said Todd Powell, Resources Manager at Greater Lansing Food Bank. “Their campaign shows you really can make a difference ‘one dime at a time.'”
Donations to GLFB support its mission of feeding people in Mid-Michigan.
大兰辛食品银行(GLFB)成立于 1981 年,旨在满足大兰辛社区在 20 世纪 80 年代初经济大萧条时期的迫切需求。如今,35 年过去了,大兰辛食品银行仍在努力满足这一不会消失的需求......为那些不幸的人提供食物。2012 年,大兰辛食品银行和中密歇根州食品银行合并运营,成立了一家地区性食品银行,为英厄姆、伊顿、克林顿、夏瓦西、格拉蒂奥特、克莱尔和伊莎贝拉等县提供服务。通过由食物储藏室、相关机构和社区合作伙伴组成的网络,以及 "食物搬运工计划"(Food Movers Program)和 "花园项目"(The Garden Project),GLFB 致力于为所有人提供优质、健康和丰富的食物。2015 年,我们为密歇根州中部地区可能挨饿的人们提供了超过 6,000,000 份食物。我们服务的大多数人都是有固定收入的儿童和老年人。遗憾的是,需求仍在继续。