Pete Tatu za Kusaidia Wenye Njaa
LANSING, Mich. – Abood Law Firm helped feed the hungry though their sponsorship of the “Beyond The Arc” campaign. For each three point shot made by a Spartan basketball player during a 2017-2018 Michigan State University regular season game, Abood Law Firm donated $25 to Greater Lansing Food Bank (GLFB). The women’s team shot 173 three point shots, and the men’s team shot 265. Abood Law donated $10,950 to GLFB to celebrate 438 total three point shots!
“Campaigns like this are just a little reminder that the need continues in our community,” said Kelly Miller, Development & Major Gifts Manager at Greater Lansing Food Bank. “Abood Law Firm, the MSU athletes and Fox Sports found a way to support the community while enjoying the game. It’s an amazing partnership for everyone.”
Greater Lansing Food Bank (GLFB) ni shirika lisilo la faida ambalo hutoa chakula cha dharura kwa watu binafsi na familia zinazohitaji katika kaunti za Ingham, Eaton, Clinton, Shiawassee, Clare, Isabella na Gratiot. Inakusanya pesa, chakula na michango ya asili ili kukidhi mahitaji ya dharura ya chakula; kuratibu na kusaidia kazi ya pantries ya chakula cha eneo; huokoa chakula cha ziada ambacho kingeharibika; kukuza, kuhimiza na kusisitiza mipango ya kujisaidia kuelekea lengo la kujitosheleza; na kuelimisha jamii kuhusu masuala ya njaa.
Ili kujifunza zaidi kuhusu Benki Kuu ya Chakula ya Lansing, tembelea
Justin Rumenapp
Marketing and Communications Coordinator