Bustani ya Jamii ya Mizizi

Mahali: Roots Garden katika Der Happy Hollow: 1084 South Hagadorn Road, Mason MI 48854
Bustani ya Umma Kuza-Bustani Yako Mwenyewe

Viwanja vinapatikana kwa umma kwa ujumla. 

Roots Community Garden is a beautiful, nine-acre garden space located on the Der Happy Hollow property (owned by the Holt Kiwanis Club) in Mason. First established as an incubator farm in 2013, this site now offers the largest of the Garden Project plots at 110×23 ft. Water is available from widely spaced spigots throughout the garden.

  • Number of plots: 107
  • Jinsi ya kushiriki:

    Usajili utafunguliwa Machi 1. Wakulima wanaorudi lazima wajiandikishe kufikia Aprili 1 ili kuhifadhi shamba sawa. Jisajili hapa

  • Location: Roots Garden at Der Happy Hollow: 1084 South Hagadorn Road, Mason MI 48854