ग्रेटर लान्सिङ फुड बैंकको टिममा सहभागी हुन इच्छुक ?

Current openings:

सामुदायिक श्रोतहरु & साझेदारी दल

Last Updated March 7, 2024


Let’s get started!

To find out if the job is the right fit for you, please fill out the form to talk with a GLFB representative.  

If you would like to apply for a position directly, please email your information (cover letter and/or resume) directly to rebecca@glfoodbank.org. If not selected for a current position, applicants will be held for future considerations.

फोन कल छैन कृपया ।
ग्रेटर लान्सिङ फूड बैंक समान अवसर मालिक हो।