ग्रेटर ल्यान्सिङ फूड बैंक (GLFB) ले 1981 देखि भोक विरुद्धको मध्य-मिशिगनको लडाईको नेतृत्व गरेको छ ताकि परिवार र छिमेकीहरूलाई उनीहरूको स्वास्थ्य र कल्याणलाई समर्थन गर्न आवश्यक पर्ने पौष्टिक खानामा पहुँच सुनिश्चित गर्न सकियोस्। GLFB को 4,000 वर्ग माइल, सात-काउन्टी सेवा क्षेत्रले क्लेयर, क्लिन्टन, ईटन, ग्रेटियोट, इनघाम, इसाबेला र शियावासी काउन्टीहरू समेट्छ।

What is a food bank?

Unlike a food pantry, a food bank has the space and capacity to source, warehouse and move millions of pounds of food across a significantly larger area than a smaller neighborhood-based pantry or kitchen.

GLFB is also a Feeding America partner food bank, which makes us a member of a network of food banks, food pantries and meal programs working together across the U.S. to fight food insecurity.

Who is the food bank for?

GLFB and our network of more than 140+ partner organizations helps any individual or family in need of food in Clare, Clinton, Eaton, Gratiot, Ingham, Isabella or Shiawassee Counties, Michigan.

Why do community organizations partner with the food bank?

Food banks help communities address food insecurity at scale by providing food to a network of partner nonprofits at significantly lower costs — and often at no cost! — than if a food pantry were to purchase items itself. GLFB also offers several programs that directly serve neighbors across our service area.

Extended impact

Agencies can stretch their often limited resources further.


A network of more than 140 agencies to share ideas and best practices with.


GLFB has been known and trusted in the Lansing area for more than 40 years.