Education Center
Gardening topics by season
GLFB’s Garden Project has all the information you need for a successful garden season, from choosing the right garden site to saving seeds and preserving your harvest. Browse our library of printable education resources by season below, or stop by the Resource Center for resources, garden advice and more!
Winter planning
Choose your garden site, make a growing plan, select your seeds and more to get ready for the garden season ahead.
Spring garden preparation & planning
Determine plant spacing, optimize your vegetable growing and more to start your growing off right.
Summer garden management
Everything you need to know to help your garden thrive, from managing weeds and diseases to trellising and pruning.
Fall harvest & cleanup
All the information you need to preserve your harvest, from freezing and canning to saving seeds for next year’s growing season.
Introduction to Gardening workshop series
Held at various locations across greater Lansing, this free workshop series will teach you the basics of gardening and how to grow food on a budget.