4 أسباب لرعاية حملة الغذاء الناقلين الرسالة

يوم السبت ، ستقام أكبر حملة غذائية لهذا العام ، بقيادة الرابطة الوطنية لحاملي الرسائل. سمحت لنا حملة الغذاء في العام الماضي بتقديم 100000 وجبة للمحتاجين في منتصف ميشيغان كنتيجة مباشرة لكرمك. ومما يؤسف له أن مستوى الحاجة لا يزال مرتفعا.

إليك سبب أهمية هذا الحدث:

1. Government data suggests that as much as 15 percent of people in our region are “food insecure.” That’s about 100,000 people in the seven counties we serve. This means they may have to choose between paying for food and paying for things like rent, utilities and prescriptions. That’s a greater number than the capacity of Spartan Stadium…and it’s just not fair.

2. Children who rely on school meals will be put at risk once summer begins and class is not in session.

3. The long winter put a massive dent in our food supply at the warehouse. See the picture of the boxes below? They’re all empty and in need of replenishing.


4. Food is a basic right. No one should go hungry. Period.

Please consider leaving a non-perishable food donation in a bag by your mailbox on Saturday, May 10. The people of mid-Michigan take care of each other. Thank you.